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Give Every Person in Louisiana the Opportunity to Say Yes to Jesus.

2024 Georgia Barnette Resources Will Be Available August 1st.

Many Need Hope

We all share one common attribute: we are hungry for hope. The good news is that there is Good News! Jesus came for all people at all times including right now in Louisiana.

Where to Find it

Hope is found at the cross of Christ. How will we reach so many people of diverse backgrounds? We will reach them with passionate, multi-tiered strategies — many of which are found in the ministries that are supported through the Georgia Barnette offering.

Who benefits from this offering?

Discover More About this Offering

Week of Prayer

Dive into the lives and ministries impacted by this offering and pray for their needs.


Learn how to promote this offering in your church and download materials.

Online Giving

Give through your church or on this website, and find out where the money goes.