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How to Promote

Let’s Strategize

The Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering is focused on helping missions and ministries reach people right here in Louisiana. We can do so if we work together through this mission strategy.

10 Ways to Prepare Your Georgia Barnette Campaign:

  1. Start with prayer. We’ve got every tool you need to pray strategically—including a week of prayer guide—but the important thing about prayer is that we actually do it. If we want Louisiana to be the home of a great spiritual awakening and evangelism, we must pray for it.
  2. Create a team. Make it a diverse group of people helping you determine the goal. Remember that the more people you involve, the more buy-in you’ll get.
  3. Set a goal. Your goal shouldn’t be set by just one person. Develop a team that will work and pray together. Think about the opportunities we have to bring life into our state through church planting, disaster relief, compassion ministries, ESL classes, media outreach, and more!
  4. Make it unique. If your efforts reflect your church culture, you’ll have a greater outcome. Your offering emphasis can be customized to fit your church and culture.
  1. Give the Why. When ordinary people give, they are more likely to give towards a cause than an organization. As you communicate what the offering is, also share the needs it helps to meet in our home state.
  2. Make it visual. Place the information in bulletins, on walls, and even in the worship center. Your church’s offering can benefit from repeated exposure to promotional items. Georgia Barnette videos are designed to be inspiring, informative, and can add a spirit of worship in your services. Select one you believe will speak to your church members. Please note: To assure success in using the media on this site, preview the videos on your TV or screens before the service to make sure they are working properly.
  3. Share updates. Make sure that your church is aware of the goal and the progress you’ve made throughout the campaign. Celebrate every milestone along the journey.
  1. Make Georgia Barnette a part of your church’s electronic giving. Usually, electronic giving offers a number of options for giving including tithing or budget offering, special offerings, and funds. Talk to your church treasurer about adding Georgia Barnette to the current list of funds. Or, you can always give online.
  2. Don’t just give. Go! As you peruse the website and the prayer guide you might find that some of the ministries and stories are a short drive away from your church. This would be a great opportunity for your high school students to visit these points of impact. This is just another way to invest your members in ministry as they give. Be sure and contact the church or ministry of interest to see how you can serve.
  3. Celebrate! Your offering is eternal. That’s something to celebrate! This could be done in several ways, but one powerful way is through social media. Posts about your churches giving can encourage other churches to participate as well.

Get Started with Promo Materials

These resources will help you promote the Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering in your church.