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Day 2

Ministry Out of Tragedy

Restoring Hope

God often uses our greatest tragedies to forge our message and mission. Peggy Weldon-Renfrow dropped out of high school and got married at sixteen, became a new mom at seventeen, and lost her husband just before her eighteenth birthday. Through this tragic turn of events, God birthed a hunger in her heart to help women who face similar struggles. She began to serve at the Beauregard Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC). A compassion ministry of WMU, CWJC provides a Christian context where women can get the education, opportunities, and skills necessary to set them on the road to recovery and flourishing.

The success stories from Beauregard CWJC are as inspiring as they are endless. One young woman came to CWJC at age eighteen, when her children were taken into child protection because of her drug use. Through this ministry, she earned her high school diploma, discovered Jesus, and found the church where her family and she now attend. Another single divorced mother found the hope of Jesus while obtaining her GED through Beauregard CWJC. She currently attends a nursing program with the goal of becoming an RN. These are just two stories of the many lives turned around through the love of Christ and your support of the Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering.

Prayer Needs

  • Pray for God’s guidance in ministry to reach these ladies.
  • Pray for teachers, volunteers, mentors, board members and directors as they prepare for the ladies God will send to them.
  • Pray for churches and community leaders to have open hearts and a willingness to support and serve through CWJC.

Days of Prayer