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Day 1


Timely Help

The greatest evangelistic opportunity on the church calendar is Vacation Bible School or VBS. Many churches find it difficult to conduct a dynamic VBS because they have more kids than workers. But what if a church had six energetic, talented college students who could stay the whole week and focus on making the best VBS experience a child could have in a local church? This is exactly what happens every summer through Go Louisiana, or GOLA. Teams of six college students are chosen from Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) across the state and are assigned to churches for a one-week VBS.

Morgan, a GOLA team member said, “In one of our first VBS weeks, there was a sixth grader who didn’t have the best home life … it was just such a blessing to be able to say, ‘Hey, we have a perfect father that perfectly loves us unconditionally, solely because we are his children and we get to have a relationship with Him.’ It was just so great to see how that perspective of fatherhood changed for him.”

Stories of changed lives happen every day during GOLA led VBS weeks thanks in part to your generous support of the Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering.

Prayer Needs

  • Pray for strong leaders with a passion to share the gospel with children and their families.
  • Pray for BCM directors as they select and train the student missionaries.
  • Pray for the churches as they prepare to reach their community through VBS.

Days of Prayer