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Day 1

A Life-Changing Discovery

Week of Prayer - Day 1

Keeping Warm

A group of gated and locked down houses changed the trajectory of Ed Jelk’s ministry. Upon investigation, Ed, then the pastor of Ethel Baptist Church, learned the buildings housed Woodlake, a rehab facility for struggling addicts.

God moved in his heart to start a Saturday morning Bible study in January of 2011. The Bible study group, called Woodlake Addiction and Recovery Ministry (WARM), has grown over the years to as many as sixty attendees and ten committed leaders.

The stories of changed lives continue to multiply: An atheist accepting Jesus as Savior, two friends finding hope in Christ, new believers getting baptized, and many more.

WARM has shared Jesus with hundreds of rehab participants and given away over six thousand Recovery Bibles. The Georgia Barnette Louisiana Mission Offering provides these Bibles, along with equipment for the study and supplies for special events.

Prayer Needs

  • Pray that Ed and other team members will remain faithful to the leadership of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray that WARM leaders will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue this amazing work.
  • Pray that the people who come to Woodlake with deep needs will discover Jesus and strengthen their faith.

Days of Prayer