A Replant Reaching the Community

Evangelizing LaRose
When Guillermo and Gennie Aguirre heard that a church in LaRose, Louisiana, had been without a pastor for a year, they instantly remembered the difficulty of being part of a church without a pastor. “God touched me and my husband,” Gennie recalls, “and we said ‘Yes, let’s go there and help these people.’” They began their ministry by leading discipleship groups, and after a time, the church voted to call Guillermo as pastor.
Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor is a replant of a Hispanic mission church. With a new building and a new location, the congregation has grown from eight members and very few children and youth to fifty members with several children and youth! Because their church’s mission is to spread the Word of God to everyone around them, members are happy to evangelize the community.
Your gifts to the Georgia Barnette Louisiana Missions Offering help support Guillermo, who currently serves as a bi-vocational pastor. Five cities surround Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor’s new location, so the Aguirres are certain God will continue to move in their church as they work to reach those who don’t have a relationship with Christ.
Prayer Needs
- Pray that God will move in the cities surrounding Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor and open the eyes of the lost.
- Pray that God will give members strength, wisdom, and encouragement to evangelize their community.
- Pray for Guillermo, Gennie, and their children (two grown and married, two still at home).
Days of Prayer
Day 1: A Life-Changing Discovery
Day 2: Ministry Out of Tragedy
Day 3: Rebirth and Renewal in New Orleans
Day 4: Next Mission, Next Generation
Day 5: Rebuilding Homes and Lives
Day 6: A Replant Reaching the Community
Day 7: Compassion Goes to Church